Unity Free Tutorials: Graphics Integration

  Two tutorials that were vital to me integrating the graphics into my game were by Sebastian Lague. I was able to use his Blender files to implement a customisable character, and some animated enemies too.

  This episode brought in armour and clothing into my character. I was able to set up scripts for default clothing, and create armour pickups that I later combined with my inventory. Some troubles I had were to do with importing from Blender. My character only had half of a shirt and pants due to an error with mirroring. I was able to figure this out, but still have problems with clipping on the clothes. I followed Sebastian's steps to create a code that changes the weight of the body skin depending on the type of clothing the character wears. However, his fix did not work for me, and the clipping still occurs. This is a minor issue, and all of the other features work great.

  I was able to bring in an animated enemy mesh and add some health bars to the UI. This was more difficult for me than it seemed to be for Sebastian, and it took some trial and error. My Health bars would not appear when combat started, and this turned out to be a minor problem with the combat not starting at all. The animations were playing and the console messages were appearing, but no health was being subtracted, meaning the command for the health UI to appear was not triggering. I had another problem where. the skeletons walking animation would play once and then they would glitch and glide to move. This turned out to be because I hadn't ticked loop animation on the walk animation.

  At this point, with so many scripts doing vital things, even one small thing out of place can break the entire game. It is a very rewarding stage of development, as the progress is very apparent. But it is also the most delicate stage so far.

- Ultan


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