Week 9 Progress

  Looking back on my progress since September, I can honestly say that I am happy with where I am. I have worked hard to be in the position that I am in; I have learned plenty, my game is coming along nicely, and I have kept on top of the workload. That said, there was one week in particular that I fell behind. Other aspects of work and life took precedence, and I had not gotten far enough ahead of my schedule with this work to avoid missing out. This is my own error, and one that I was careful not to repeat. I have done some extra credit tasks to catch up, and will do more to bring my grade back up. My favourite tasks have been the Unity tutorials and the game development. I would love to have the time to get a lot of Inferno Lair done in one sitting, however with other commitments I can only spend one or two hours at a time.

  For the next couple of weeks, I want to get ahead of my workload. I've been keeping up to date with everything, but I would like to get things done in advance. I am confident that I am in a good position, and believe that my hard work will pay off. If I get a chance to spend a full day committed to Unity, I think I will get ahead of myself and get my Alpha done to a good standard. I have a lot of work to do, and need to stay focused and punctual to get the game where I want it to be.

This motivates me so much, you have no idea
Image Source: Flickr


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